Without any trace of doubt, your wedding gown is important.

Without any trace of doubt, your wedding gown is important. Like most of the brides out there, you have probably chosen it very attentively, so that everything about it makes you feel stunning. However, keep in mind the fact that a great wedding look is comprised out of multiple parts and the shoes should not be among the last ones to consider. Here are some tips to decide on the perfect pair of shoes.

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  • They don’t have to be white. Really, these days, there are brides dressing up entirely in red, blue and even black, so why would you absolutely stick to tradition if you don’t want to? Choose a bright colored pair of shoes to add a splash of liveliness to your look or choose a delicate pastel to add just a bit of blush. And heres another tip: match your shoes with those of your bridesmaids for a unique effect.
  • If you do get them white, keep in mind that they don’t have to be bland. Add sparkle, your name and anything else you want. There are many places that will offer customization for bridal shoes and they will even be able to create real paintings on them! For a traditional, but unique pair of shoes, combine multiple shades of white and have a professional paint them in an artistic way.
  • Make sure they are comfortable. If you really want to wear high heels, remind yourself to get a pair of flats as well. You can get it in the same color (and even in a very similar design) as the high-heeled pair.

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Post Sources

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Posted in Jewelry Post Date 10/15/2022






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